Businesses routinely attempt to accomplish too much and quickly lose focus when the next fire erupts or a new shiny ball appears. When I work with clients, one of the first things I assess is the degree to which they suffer from this common affliction, which I dub “Organizational Attention Deficit Disorder” (O-ADD).
In my new book, The Outstanding Organization, I lay out how O-ADD erodes business performance, reduces productivity, slows improvement progress, and causes significant employee stress and disengagement. I also provide a proven approach for healing this disease and the type of results an organization can expect if they set out to tame O-ADD. A sporting goods manufacturer, for example, increased its new product output from 24 to 73 new product launches a year (115% increase in rev) without adding a single resource, simply by gaining FOCUS, one of the four key behaviors that Outstanding Organizations possess.
Join us this Thursday at 11 am Pacific Time for this month’s webinar: Putting an End or Organizational ADD: Create Your 2013 Strategic Improvement Plan. And I invite you to pick up a copy of The Outstanding Organization as well.