Start a Campaign for Clarity

Clarity blue background TOO no logo square…Well, I don’t mean literally. But if you don’t commit firmly to breaking bad habits, replacing them with new ones becomes more difficult. And accepting and contributing to ambiguity is a personal and organizational habit that needs to be broken.

Beginning today, vow to become far more clear in every interaction you have and seek the same level of clarity from others.

Vow NOT to begin solving a problem until the problem and the root cause for it are both crystal clear. Vow to track every time you have to seek clarification and gently heighten others’ awareness about their role in creating ambiguity. Vow NOT to begin a new project until you have consensus on very clear objectives. Vow NOT to equivocate when you communicate. Commit to a clear position so others know where you stand. You begin right now in your next interaction. Get rid of unnecessary ambiguity so you can get faster results and reserve psychic energy for dealing with the truly ambiguous conditions that face us (like how the next election will impact regulations).

For more ideas on starting a Campaign for Clarity, read my guest blog post in today’s FastCoLead or pick up a copy of my latest book, The Outstanding Organization.


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