Clarity: The Essence of Lean Management

Since releasing her book, Clarity First, Karen has continued to analyze, experiment, and reflect on the strong connection between operating with clarity and successfully deploying Lean management—or any improvement-centric management philosophy. She’s learned that addressing the need for clarity head-on is an accelerant.

In this webinar, Karen discusses:

  • The personal and organizational benefits of operating with clarity
  • The three ways people approach clarity
  • How to use Lean Management practices—the 5 P’s—to cultivate clarity

With a strong appetite for and courage to operate with clarity, there’s no limit to individual and organizational performance!

To supplement the webinar, visit — take our free quiz to assess how you and your organization currently rate, download the first chapter of the book, and more.

If you’re interested in learning more about the clarity practices Karen discussed in the webinar, check out, our online learning arm.

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